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Romanian Parliament approves new technocratic government led by Dacian Ciolos

de Ed. Staff
Marţi, 17 noiembrie 2015, 17:29 English | Top News

Romania's technocratic government proposed by designated prime minister Dacian Ciolos received the vote of approval in the Parliament on Tuesday, after days of political negotiations. A large majority of MPs voted in favor of the new government, as both major political groups - the Social Democrats and the Liberals - announced their support, with only the Liberal Democrats and other, smaller political groups opposed it.

Ciolos' government, which is yet to be sworn in, replaces the Social Democratic government led by Victor Ponta. Ponta resigned earlier this month in the wake of a fire in a Bucharest nightclub, which killed dozens of people and, ultimately blamed on corruption, prompted a wave of mass protests across the country.

Prior to the vote today, Social Democratic (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea warned the new prime minister he would not hesitate to "fire" him unless the new government complied with the terms set forward by the PSD: a continuation of measures applied by the previous government and a proper organisation of local and general elections due next year.

And Liberal (PNL) leaders Alina Gorghiu and Vasile Blaga assured Ciolos of their support but warned they would criticize him if things go wrong.

The selection of the new ministers in the technocratic government was not an easy task. The man initially selected for Health had to be replaced when pictures of him modelling in underwear appeared online, while the representative of a prominent NGO, who was initially named for Justice, was replaced when she failed to make a good impression in parliamentary hearings on Monday.



Romanian and foreign investors, supported by embassies, banded together against introducing new taxes in 2014.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 by by Claudio Zamfir,

 Romanian and foreign investors gathered in 20 business associations, supported by 19 major embassies in Bucharest, she said Wednesday, opposition to the introduction of new taxes in Romania, in 2014 and asked the government to announce any changes tax at least 6 months experienced before their entry into force. 

Coalition for the Development of Romania said in a press release that the priorities promoted by this "failing to include new taxes in 2014, and ensure stability and predictability of the investment climate by public announcement at least six months before the entry into force of any amendments to tax legislation. " 

Coalition, which emphasizes that its members "have a significant contribution to Romania's GDP" is not a legal entity but its members voluntarily contribute "resources and expertise to the formulation of common views on public policies impacting the environment business ". 

The aemenea Coalition for the Development of Romania with the Romanian government wants to sign a Memorandum of Intel "to agree on principles of collaboration and concrete objectives." Organisations such concerns "structuring the dialogue with the government, without affecting the status of an independent advisory group, politically unaffiliated." 

Leaders of the Coalition working groups have already meeting with some ministers "to discuss current issues impacting various sectors," reads the statement. 

Some business associations members of the Coalition include the AmericanAmerican Commerce (AmCham) in Romania, the Association of Businessmen in Romania, Romano-British Chamber of Commerce, Council of Foreign Investors Chamber of Commerce German-Romanian, Romanian Business Foundation Leaders (RBL), the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Romania. 

Some associate members and observers include U.S. embassies, France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands, Italy, Canada. 

In the first half of 2014, the Coalition is coordinated by a steering committee which includes, among others, Philippe Beke, Ambassador of Belgium in Bucharest Mihai Bogza, president of the Foreign Investors Council, Valeriu Nistor, AmCham president, Michael Mark, Chairman RBL, Florin Pogonaru, President AOAR.